So, we are preparing for “Super” Storm Sandy here in NJ and because of it I told my camera man to stay home with his family. Luckily, we recorded a video prior to our state of emergency (although this is not a part of my “I Know The Pieces Fit” vlog series).

When this video was recorded, I made a conscious decision to try something new, to add a little spice in life, and I had a blast. It may not be much to someone else but it was out of the ordinary for me. I think we get so caught up in trying to keep up with the rat race that we forget how to play. When you think about having “chill” time or relaxing after work what comes to mind? I feel a little disheartened that the first answer that comes out of a young working professional is almost always Happy Hour. That can’t be all there is to it!

When you think about having fun and being a big kid what kind of activities do you enjoy doing?

Is It Time to Try Something A Little Different?

Here’s the video hope you enjoy! Be safe out there!



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