Artwork by Tene' Aiken

Artwork by Tene’ Aiken


After giving it some thought, I’ve decided to revive my blog posts centered around nonprofit work, philanthropy, and now, the technological advances that fuel social change and game-changing innovation.

The month of August will now feature a new blog series which I’ll call “Be The Change” (the is name not so innovative, but it gets the point across). I will once again seek out and feature nonprofits, do-gooders, and great content (written, filmed, photographed) by others using social media for social good to share with you all during this month.

I hope you will embrace your giving spirit by joining me in my efforts to give back to those in need either on a local scale, and/or global scale… On with the post!


I’ve made it no secret that my background was in nonprofit work, (Heck, I’m still involved with nonprofit work).  I’ve also made it no secret that I’m giving my blood, sweat, and tears in entrepreneurial endeavors for the sake of abundant living which will position me to be the kind of philanthropist I’m proud of.


With that being said, here some of my personal favorite blog posts to catch you up on what I’ve addressed so far…


 Who’s Using Social Media For Social Good? -Jubilee Project.

Social Media For Social Good: #FundraisingFriday

What Do We Want? Nonprofits! When Do We Want Them? Now!

Don’t Remain a Victim

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Interested in purchasing the piece of artwork you see at the top or artwork like it? Hop on over to Tene’s blog to request more info!

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Lynette Davis
Artwork by Tene' Aiken
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