candle for suicide prevention










Failure, Love & Persistence

Entrepreneurs run the gambit of emotions on a daily basis.

Are we good enough, smart enough, or talented enough?

We question whether pursuing our passions is a waste of time.

But what we don’t often acknowledge is how much these thoughts are compounded by mental health concerns.

This is the reason why I wrote my new book, “Success to Die For: Breaking Down Assumptions about Anxiety, Depression, & Suicide and Their Impact on Business Women” a book about mental illness and entrepreneurship.

A battle raged in my mind, and the minds of colleagues. So many entrepreneurs and business leaders struggle with suicidal thoughts. And attempt to take their own life. Sadly and tragically, some do.

We get upset, maybe we buzz about it on social media for a day or two and then we move on. I wanted to do more. No, I needed to do more. But, I didn’t know what to do or how to help. So I did the only thing left I could do: reach out to professionals and research mental health concerns amongst women in business.

My book is a compilation of stories from colleagues, who struggle to create the change they want to see, yet don’t feel they deserve success or happiness. They struggle with depression, anxiety, and stress every single day. They’re stymied by fears of failure, self-doubt, and self-sabotage.

But think it’s just part of the entrepreneurial experience.

What I want you to know is you are not alone.

Through my book, I share insights and resources for understanding the intimate relationship between mental health concerns and entrepreneurship.

My hope is that you will pick up where I leave off. Join this mental wellness movement and share your story, so that mental health concerns are recognized, destigmatized, and adequately addressed in the workplace and in life.

I believe that by acknowledging the ups and downs of entrepreneurship with love persistence prevails. Because even if we fall down, we don’t have to stay there. With love, acceptance, and guidance we can rise above any obstacle.

The two most liberating feelings in the world are realizing failure is an opportunity to grow and realizing you’re worthy (even if you think your life is a mess).

I feel called to spread this message about love. And I’m very grateful to all of you who have been listening, reading, encouraging, supportive, and loving along my book-writing journey.

Become a Love Agent! Join my online community here.

If you or a loved one need support right now, you can reach National Suicide Prevention Lifeline by calling: 1-800-273-8255. 

Until Next Time…Peace!

Oh! By the way, if you want to learn more about the blogger of this post feel free to check out my about page.

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Lynette Davis
candle for suicide prevention
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