Before you read any further I want to give you a heads up. This post is mainly geared towards college graduates however; the resources I reference are applicable to anyone still in college, graduates of college looking for some fresh inspiration, and even high school aged teens who want some real world practical advice. In some instances, I get information overload. Therefore, I’m not going to overwhelm you with a whole bunch of reading that’s going to make you crazy in the head.

I happened upon this 42 page FREE ebook (and some of the pages are not anything more than a quote or two) of practical and down to earth advice for graduates. If you don’t find it useful, trust me, someone you may know will. The book highlights the experiences of graduates who have found their calling and those who are still on the battlefield searching for a job or trudging through that Master’s program. I found the tips quite inspiring and useful.  Truth be told, it was comforting to hear from people who had to take fluff jobs they didn’t want due to circumstances yet continue to work on building their dream career rather than settling in mediocrity. In addition to the contributors of Matt’s ebook, if you are looking to start a career in nonprofit, I would highly suggest taking a look at the links on my page under Gen-Y blogs. Rosetta Thurman and Trista Harris have written an excellent ebook, “How to Become a Nonprofit Rockstar.” This book really dives into the small steps you can take now to get in the door of a nonprofit organization. It also teaches you to build a foundation that supports your climb to the top, if that’s where you see yourself going.

Now, if you’re anything like me and you come from a very humble background aka you were born and raised in the “hood”, these books are still for you. Read with an open mind if you can and DO NOT compare yourself to these writers. We all have a path to walk and our journeys may not look the same. Trust me; I am the Queen of doubting myself, not believing that I have any marketable skills, and wondering if I will ever be good enough. Despite inner conflicts I keep trying, doing something rather than nothing at all, and building courage to do a little more than what I believed I was capable of accomplishing. Oh and if you don’t have a degree, Chanelle has testimony to share with you about thriving and surviving by using the constant learning without formal education method.

On a final note, I wish many Blessings to you all. Don’t lose sight of yourself, your hopes, and aspirations. If you do don’t fret, you can always find yourself on the right path paved just for you. Life can get hard and downright scary at times but know you have support. There are people in your corner when you don’t think they exist. I’m all about finding valuable resources to share, if you need help getting started don’t be shy to contact me.

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Lynette Davis
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