Dec 30, 2018 | General Thoughts and Reflections
This last post of the year is a review of the ups and downs and “meh” moments from 2018. It’s a personal reflection, a public display of vulnerability, and most definitely not a “how to review your year and plan for the next” type of post. If you’re looking for that...
Nov 27, 2018 | General Thoughts and Reflections, Mental Health
It started with a mood change. A couple of months back I felt a shift in my mood, and it took far longer than I’m proud to admit before it finally dawned on me that while the lack of sun made me wish for more beach day weather, I wasn’t taking Vitamin D like I was...
Dec 30, 2017 | General Thoughts and Reflections
This last post of the year is a quick review of the ups and downs and “meh” moments from 2017. It’s a personal reflection, a public display of vulnerability, and most definitely not a “how to review your year and plan for the next” type of post. If you’re looking for...
Dec 28, 2016 | General Thoughts and Reflections
This last post of the year is a quick review of the ups and downs and “meh” moments from 2016. It’s a personal reflection, a public display of vulnerability, and most definitely not a “how to review your year and plan for the next” type of post. My hope is that...
Apr 28, 2016 | General Thoughts and Reflections
The Things that Get in the Way When working on your self-love practice be aware of the things that get in the way. A blockage to building up your own self-esteem, and the confidence to be the best of who you really are, is the way you handle other people’s success....
Dec 31, 2015 | General Thoughts and Reflections
I guess I’ll start with a heads up. This last post of the year is a quick review and recap of the ups and downs and “meh” moments from 2015. It’s a personal reflection, a public display of vulnerability, and most definitely not a “how to review your year and plan for...