May 26, 2011 | Business and Entrepreneurship, Nonprofit, South Jersey | Philadelphia region
If you haven’t noticed, there has been a lot of talk about Entrepreneurship in the news. Why, you ask? Simple answer, unemployment rates are still high so the demand is great for those who can create jobs. Sadly, the many people who have great ideas, services, and/or...
Apr 29, 2011 | Nonprofit, South Jersey | Philadelphia region
Do we really need more nonprofits? Simple answer…YES! When I read this post by one of my new favorite nonprofit bloggers, I was a little taken back that she even encountered “Do Gooders” who were discouraging fellow idealists. I quickly recovered when I remembered...
Feb 28, 2011 | Business and Entrepreneurship, Interviews, Nonprofit, South Jersey | Philadelphia region
As promised in my post Black History Now , I would like to introduce Entrepreneur Joseph L. Poole! Tell me a little about yourself and what you do? I was born and raised in South Jersey, the youngest of six (6) children. My parents originally migrated from...
Feb 16, 2011 | Nonprofit, South Jersey | Philadelphia region
Whenever I take the time to watch television, I often find myself indulging in one of my favorite shows, Law and Order SVU. I love watching Benson and Stabler catch the perpetrators who have preyed on innocent children, defenseless women, and unsuspecting neighbors....