Today is the 7th day of the New Year. One of the first things I wondered was how everyone else was doing with their goal setting so far if all of the planning was completed,(mines sure isn’t). I’ve heard that 7 is the number of completion, and even though it’s only been a week, I feel that I’ve already come full circle once again with life changes. Within a week I was hopeful, felt hopeless, and once again was forced, (by myself) to let go and let God. I’ve stated before worrying is a waste of life yet I was wasting away agonizing and beating myself up because I felt I wasn’t going in the right direction already in 7 days! I realized that I was still clinging to the good things from the past, and comparing my less than comfortable reality to those things. By doing that, I was not being grateful, probably a little selfish okay very selfish and certainly not moving forward in my big picture vision. I felt I was Nowhere and struggled to accept that I am Now here and must be content, not complacent but content.
As I was reading various tweets and scrolling through my facebook newsfeed, I saw mixed emotions from people. Some were declaring this year to be their year. Some were already on the “fml” kick. This year, whether I achieve tremendous accomplishments or I celebrate small victories, I don’t want to be business as usual.
I was presented question: What is the ONE THING that you know in your gut you want to do this year?
After room sharing, on a serious minimalist living stunt all of last year, I want to find a place to call home. Because I refused to accept everything that was Lynn’s life last year, I never felt home; I felt like an outsider and my mind kept playing the song from the Lion King 2 “Not one of us” whenever I was around the people I lived with. I’m not exactly sure what home will look like for me, but I know it means working smarter and giving my best effort in other areas of my life. I also have accepted that it may not be the cozy little house in the burbs I once had or a deluxe apartment in the sky, but I will make it home, and I won’t stop believing and working for better.
What about you? What is the ONE THING that you know in your gut you want to do this year?
Hey Lynn,
Nice article. I saw myself and many of my own thoughts here. It’s amazing how easy it is for us to embrace negative thoughts and how hard it is to believe the positive ones, isn’t it? Already, 7 days in I’ve had thoughts that I’m not doing enough towards my goals.
One thing I definitely want to accomplish this year is to double last year’s revenue produced from the business- minimum. Funny you mentioned small victories, because that’s something I’ve been making a point to acknowledge and celebrate here lately. It’s made a huge impact in my view of my own progress.
Enjoyed the post!
Welcome to my blog Ron! As I mentioned to you on facebook, I was inspired to write about small victories because of one of your status updates. So true about embracing the negative faster than the positive, I’ve always wondered why we as humans do that….it’s almost as if you must always keep positive mindset maintanace, constantly feeding your self affirmations, mantras, quotes, scripture etc in order to not fall back into the “darkness” non-addicts need AA for daily living 🙂 Thanks again for commenting and I hope to see back here again.
This is really excellent. For the new year, I definitely want freedom. Both financial and emotional. I live at home right now, which is so stifling – I often wonder how other people manage. This might also be because I’m not working, which seems to frustrate my family even though I have been making some progress.
But it is suffocating to be trapped in a situation – feeling so powerless over making radical changes (everything seems to boil down to money). I’m trying to keep focused but people keep pestering me, and talking at me about what they think I need to do. So what I need the most is freedom from that, freedom to make my own choices without someone breathing down my neck about it, the freedom of prying eyes and gossip.
So I want to move far, far away and live alone. THAT would be ideal!
I understand more than you could ever imagine! I plan on blogging about these naysayers so stayed tuned! That post is coming on Saturday 😉