I’ve been reading a lot about goal setting lately, mainly for business. But, sometimes, I need to go back to the heart of it all and re-evaluate my own personal goals to make sure that everything I plan and the action steps I take going forward reflect the personal vision I have for my life. Before I thought of anything else, before I decided to go after my dreams, I had to make sure I was in tact, after all, how can I serve anyone or any cause if I was broken. Much like SMART goal setting, self-esteem goal setting has guidelines that I thought I would share with you. (No, I did not come up with these guidelines I’m just sharing resources that were shared with me)
Guidelines for Self-Esteem Goal Setting
1. The Goal should be conceivable. You should be able to understand the goal and identify what might be a first step.
2. Each goal should be believable. You should believe that you can accomplish the goal
3. Goals should be achievable. Each goal should be accomplishable given your strengths and abilities.
4. Goals should be controllable. They should be stated with regard to what is in control of each person. Goals which involve your own behavior is controllable.
5. Goals should be measurable in time and quantity. It is better to state that you want to reorganize your home office by Sunday evening rather than saying you want to have a more organized looking office space.
6. Every goal should be desirable. A goal should reflect something you want to do rather than something you feel you should do (or because somebody told you so).
7. Goals should be stated with no alternatives. Stating a goal by saying “I’ll do this but if not this then that” only leads to doing neither. If your goals changes state the new goal without an alternative.
8. Every goal should be growth-facilitating. They should not be destructive to yourself, others, or society. Once you’ve reviewed the guidelines, write a self-esteem goal using the guidelines then visualize yourself involved in the goal, and what it would feel like to accomplish the goal. Then go do it!
“Whether You Find You Can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” –H. Ford
This is a good post! I like having no alternatives, which I always like to have…just in case…lol! Eye opening!
Glad you enjoyed it Ne. Yeah, I need to pay close attention to that one as well I am a big “well I’ll just do that instead” kinda gal… as they say…the 1st step is knowing
my problem with goal setting – i set too many goals and end up overwhelming myself
thanks for sharing your ways to set reailstic goals!
Noch Noch
Welcome Noch Noch! I actually have the same problem…I tried something new this year (actually decided to stick with my joy plan) and I’ll review it and share my results with everyone at the end of the year. I loved these tips they seemed more human than many of the other resources I read about. Hope to see you back this way again soon 🙂
Great writing and material, Lynn! Focusing is essential!
Thanks George, I’m trying to get better at researching for articles (something I noticed you do very well).
i kept going back and forth with conceivable and believable…seemed like the same thing at first glance. but after reading (and re-reading) it makes sense to me know. thank you for going beyond the usual SMART guidelines that most people talk about.
I thought I would switch it up…thanks for commenting Miss Donna!