Aug 26, 2012 | Personal, Professional Development, Vlogging
I’ve decided to start a vlog series which I’ve decided to call, “I Know The Pieces Fit” to switch things up every now and then over here at the blog, (okay, I couldn’t think of a name so that’s what it is for now). I have a...
Aug 12, 2012 | Business and Entrepreneurship, Professional Development
I have yet to hear that entrepreneurship is an easy road to take in life. If it were so easy, bankers, real estate lenders, and even family wouldn’t make things so difficult for you when you need some change (I meant that to have double meaning). Although starting a...
Jun 5, 2012 | Personal, Personal tales, Professional Development
Last week was well, something else. I was not in the best of moods, and I had a lot of family affairs to attend. I honestly wanted to take another vacation since my mini vacation was way too short. Somehow, I knew I would feel this way the week before I took my mini...
Apr 29, 2012 | Professional Development
When it comes to offline networking let’s just say, I always hope the food is good so I can stuff my face and avoid the awkward introductions, and silent judgments. I personally enjoy online networking more mainly because it’s an introverts paradise. Long before I...
Oct 29, 2011 | General Thoughts and Reflections, Personal, Professional Development
I’ve been noticing that the topic of leadership has been trending a lot nowadays. It made me wonder about several things, but before my mind started filling up with a million questions. I wanted to know what a leader is, or rather what is leadership, and what makes a...
May 21, 2011 | General Thoughts and Reflections, Professional Development
Before you read any further I want to give you a heads up. This post is mainly geared towards college graduates however; the resources I reference are applicable to anyone still in college, graduates of college looking for some fresh inspiration, and even high school...