Oct 15, 2011 | General Thoughts and Reflections, Personal
A while back someone asked me if I had checked out the movie Twilight. I did, and I had read the books too, mostly because I was trying to bond with my little sister. They asked me what I thought of it, I didn’t really have an opinion so I said it was ok. It was a...
Apr 29, 2011 | Nonprofit, South Jersey | Philadelphia region
Do we really need more nonprofits? Simple answer…YES! When I read this post by one of my new favorite nonprofit bloggers, I was a little taken back that she even encountered “Do Gooders” who were discouraging fellow idealists. I quickly recovered when I remembered...
Apr 16, 2011 | Uncategorized
You have just lost your job, started a new business, or don’t get sick often and so you never enroll in your company medical coverage plan. Your former employer offers you Cobra insurance because during your employment you contributed to the group medical plan and...
Mar 26, 2011 | Business and Entrepreneurship, Personal, Personal tales, Professional Development
Whether unemployed or underemployed it is not too hard to get discouraged and frustrated from time to time while job hunting. When I went through my own stages of a job search, I learned more and more that traditional job hunting techniques are becoming a thing of the...
Feb 16, 2011 | Nonprofit, South Jersey | Philadelphia region
Whenever I take the time to watch television, I often find myself indulging in one of my favorite shows, Law and Order SVU. I love watching Benson and Stabler catch the perpetrators who have preyed on innocent children, defenseless women, and unsuspecting neighbors....