May 29, 2018 | Interviews, Mental Health
Here’s the direct link to the recording on YouTube: Around 2:12 Dr. Ruby begins talking about the connection between mind, body, and spirit. Around 4:07 We start talking about the spiritual properties of good. And the 2nd brain “gut”....
Jul 26, 2017 | Interviews, Mental Health
To celebrate Minority Mental Health Awareness Month while cultivating my commitment to mental wellness and self-love on this blog, I invited our resident mental health expert back for an interview. Dr. Angela Clack decided to swing by to help us understand what this...
May 22, 2016 | Mental Health
If you don’t already know May is Mental Health Month. One of my clients reached out and asked if I wanted to participate in a campaign she dubbed #31daystowellness where she asks us to post a picture of ourselves, our family, friends, workout group, etc. engaging in...