There’s A Glitch in The Matrix: A 1st Quarter Review

This is a life in review type post, so it gets long-winded, you have been warned… About the Blog For those of you who are new to Reflections of A Summer Moon here’s what I wrote regarding the mission of this blog: is a personal journey blog that...

How To Stop Being Busy and More Productive

It’s September. A new season is on the horizon, the year is more than half-way through. Summer vacation is just about over, school is now in session. Besides the start of a new year, I noticed that many people like the concept of fresh start for this month as well....

Work-Life Balance and Social Media

Flickr Credit: TTCPressimagesLately, I’ve been noticing a sort of anti-social media whisper hovering around the web. Not surprisingly, the whispers are coming from those who have been early adapters of social networking. Okay, I’m over exaggerating a bit, not quite...

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