Apr 21, 2013 | Business and Entrepreneurship, Professional Development
I swear I should have a specific name for my own personal journey with entrepreneurship because I feel my awkwardness is in a league all its own. I’ve shared with you different tips for networking when you’re an introvert. I even shared with you a handy dandy list of...
Mar 24, 2013 | General Thoughts and Reflections, Vlogging
This month I thought out loud about the “I already know that” syndrome. It is a deadly mindset that usually signals to initiate the beginning of the end. You know, that wonderful day when you finally know all you need to know in life, and there’s...
Jun 5, 2012 | Personal, Personal tales, Professional Development
Last week was well, something else. I was not in the best of moods, and I had a lot of family affairs to attend. I honestly wanted to take another vacation since my mini vacation was way too short. Somehow, I knew I would feel this way the week before I took my mini...
Apr 29, 2012 | Professional Development
When it comes to offline networking let’s just say, I always hope the food is good so I can stuff my face and avoid the awkward introductions, and silent judgments. I personally enjoy online networking more mainly because it’s an introverts paradise. Long before I...
May 12, 2011 | Personal tales
A while back I stumbled across this article on face to face networking. It was truly by coincidence that my spiritual leaders had a vision to start up a business professionals networking group. Out of that vision birthed the Victorious Business Professionals (V.B.P.)...