Aug 6, 2011 | General Thoughts and Reflections, Inspirations and Affirmations, Personal
I have nothing but respect for those who truly get and apply the concept of Hakuna Matata, (There are no worries). On good days, I’m so full of faith I swear I could move mountains, and on bad days, really bad days, I question every decision I’ve ever made including...
Jun 17, 2011 | Inspirations and Affirmations, Personal
One day a man saw a butterfly shuddering on the sidewalk. It was locked in a seemingly helpless struggle to free itself from its now useless cocoon. Feeling pity, he took a pocket knife and carefully cut away the cocoon to set the butterfly free. To his dismay, it lay...
May 4, 2011 | Inspirations and Affirmations, Personal, Personal tales
Words can breathe life or death into a situation. I’ve often been advised to guard my words so that they may heal and uplift rather than inflict further harm and tear down. Admittedly, that is easier said than done. However, I do try to maintain positive thoughts...
Apr 21, 2011 | General Thoughts and Reflections, Inspirations and Affirmations, Personal, Personal tales
I wasn’t expecting to be divinely inspired when my stomach demanded some waffle fries and a sweet tea from Chic-Fil-A. I most certainly was not in the mood to fake the funk or do any networking. God truly works in mysterious and down right crazy ways. My Evo beeped to...
Feb 8, 2011 | Inspirations and Affirmations, Personal, Personal tales
I wanted to share a powerful affirmation I was given during a time in my life when I had almost given up. I’m not exactly sure who wrote this affirmation but I am taking absolutely no credit for this post. A lovely woman who created a group called Becoming a Butterfly...
Jan 9, 2011 | General Thoughts and Reflections, Inspirations and Affirmations
I realize that a lot of people are struggling right now. Struggling with their finances; struggling with having (or not having) jobs; struggling with their love ones. The last thing anyone wants to hear is without struggle there is no progress. At the end of the day,...