Sep 10, 2017 | Mental Health
Failure, Love & Persistence Entrepreneurs run the gambit of emotions on a daily basis. Are we good enough, smart enough, or talented enough? We question whether pursuing our passions is a waste of...
Aug 21, 2017 | Be The Change, Interviews, Mental Health
The 2017 Be The Change Interview Series Week 3 – Featuring: Emily Wu Truong, Motivational Speaker and Mental Health Advocate Here’s the direct link to the recording on YouTube: About Emily Wu Truong is an award-winning motivational...
Aug 7, 2017 | Be The Change, Interviews, Mental Health
The 2017 Be The Change Interview Series Week 1 – Featuring: Sarah Fader, Mental Health Columnist, Speaker, and Viral Hashtag Creator Here’s the direct link to the audio recording on YouTube: About Sarah Fader is the CEO and Founder of...
Jul 26, 2017 | Interviews, Mental Health
To celebrate Minority Mental Health Awareness Month while cultivating my commitment to mental wellness and self-love on this blog, I invited our resident mental health expert back for an interview. Dr. Angela Clack decided to swing by to help us understand what this...
May 1, 2017 | Mental Health
With May being Mental Health Month, I wanted to present some back-to-basic resources for you if you’re just starting your mental health journey or if you’re someone interested in supporting a mental health cause or movement. I welcome your eyes to read,...
Mar 31, 2017 | Mental Health
Yesterday I learned that Amy Bleuel, the Founder of Project Semicolon, a global nonprofit founded in 2013 that is dedicated to presenting hope and love for those who are struggling with mental illness, suicide, addiction and self-injury had passed away at the young...