Apr 7, 2013 | General Thoughts and Reflections, Personal tales
It’s the start of a new quarter, so I figured I’d write a previous quarter review type of post. About the blog I’ve been going back and forth about setting a formal tone here on the blog, you know, with a format that is consistent so that if someone asked what’s on...
Jan 9, 2013 | Personal tales
A new reader found my reflections after I shared a new post update on one of my social networks. She sent me a message on said platform that said something along the lines of although her year wasn’t the best after reading my post she was reminded of her desire to...
Jan 6, 2013 | General Thoughts and Reflections, Personal tales
2012 what can I say about 2012? Well, it was an interesting year to say the least. As a matter of fact I shared with my Facebook friends that there was never a dull moment. The senior pastor at my church declared 2012 the year of maximizing sovereign opportunity. I...
Jan 2, 2013 | Personal, Personal tales, Vlogging
I’m back from my blogcation and ready to roll my sleeves up and get to typing! I’ve decided to start the first post of the year with video! I’ll be posting this video to my Youtube Channel as well. Would love for you to subscribe to my channel if you...
Nov 12, 2012 | Personal tales
This a repost from my marketing blog… If you’ve been keeping up with our social media updates then you know that we are big advocates for supporting local small business owners. After all, we are a small business! This November 24th is Small Business Saturday®,...
Nov 4, 2012 | Personal, Personal tales
Here’s a heads-up, this is one of those “personal” personal development post. One I wrote to pump myself up but figured maybe you could vibe with me on this one since I’m fully aware that we all feel “some type of way” every now and again… I was up late for the past...