Mar 18, 2011 | General Thoughts and Reflections, Personal, Personal tales
Back when I was only a “blog lurker” I came across someone’s personal definition of success in which it read, Success is the ability to monetize your passion. Now I liked what he had to say, and many business owners and entrepreneurs would definitely...
Feb 25, 2011 | Business and Entrepreneurship, Interviews, South Jersey | Philadelphia region
As promised in my post Black History Now , I would like to introduce Entrepreneur Diera Shaw! Tell me a little about yourself and what you do? I think of myself as a Jill of Many Trades. I work for Philadelphia Academies in its Business and Community Relations...
Feb 16, 2011 | Nonprofit, South Jersey | Philadelphia region
Whenever I take the time to watch television, I often find myself indulging in one of my favorite shows, Law and Order SVU. I love watching Benson and Stabler catch the perpetrators who have preyed on innocent children, defenseless women, and unsuspecting neighbors....