Apr 2, 2014 | Personal tales
This is a life in review type post, so it gets long-winded, you have been warned… About the Blog For those of you who are new to Reflections of A Summer Moon here’s what I wrote regarding the mission of this blog: Asummermoon.com is a personal journey blog that...
Jan 11, 2014 | Personal tales
Guess what?!? It’s my Blogiversary!!!! The 9th of this month made 3 years that I’ve been typing my heart away in this digital realm. Yes, 3 years! I seriously didn’t think I’d still be here. But the domain and hosting have been paid for the year, so here I stay!...
Nov 30, 2013 | Personal tales
Well, here we are the 30th Day of this month of Giving Thanks. What a wonderful experience to simply stop and be more mindful of both the small things and the big miracles that make impact in our lives on a daily basis. To wrap it up for the tips, I came across...
Nov 24, 2013 | General Thoughts and Reflections, Personal tales
I can’t believe we are winding down on these 30 days of giving thanks. I did notice a few Facebook friends keeping up with me and doing their own month of thankfulness on their own blogs and timelines which is awesome! I see you guys 🙂 So this week I finally got to...
Nov 17, 2013 | General Thoughts and Reflections, Personal tales
You know, this past week has been an adventure and as I reflect on everything that took place over the week I couldn’t help but to go back down memory lane and feel truly blessed and thankful for all the relationships I’ve developed ever since I’ve started this...
Nov 10, 2013 | General Thoughts and Reflections, Personal tales
So, as I wrote last week; I’ll be centering this month around a series of blog posts focused on giving thanks and expressing gratitude. As I began to do a little research on thankfulness and gratitude I figured I might as well share some of what I learn. Here Are 5...