Jun 1, 2014 | Mindset, Personal
Change is…well, if you ask me it’s hard. I think we like familiar patterns, even if it means our unhappiness. If that weren’t somewhat true we wouldn’t stay at jobs we hate, we wouldn’t stay in unhealthy relationships, and we wouldn’t suppress our very essence...
Jan 18, 2014 | Mindset, Personal
January is generally the month where people have set, are still setting, or have already broken their New Year resolutions. So we’ve gotten clever about it, and started calling them fancy names in a fit of rebellion against the norm to convince ourselves to make them...
Jan 6, 2013 | General Thoughts and Reflections, Personal tales
2012 what can I say about 2012? Well, it was an interesting year to say the least. As a matter of fact I shared with my Facebook friends that there was never a dull moment. The senior pastor at my church declared 2012 the year of maximizing sovereign opportunity. I...