Jan 6, 2013 | General Thoughts and Reflections, Personal tales
2012 what can I say about 2012? Well, it was an interesting year to say the least. As a matter of fact I shared with my Facebook friends that there was never a dull moment. The senior pastor at my church declared 2012 the year of maximizing sovereign opportunity. I...
Jan 2, 2013 | Personal, Personal tales, Vlogging
I’m back from my blogcation and ready to roll my sleeves up and get to typing! I’ve decided to start the first post of the year with video! I’ll be posting this video to my Youtube Channel as well. Would love for you to subscribe to my channel if you...
Nov 28, 2012 | Uncategorized
Hey you guys and gals! I’ve decided to take a Blogcation for the month of December, and I’ll return in January (more than likely with a new format and direction). When I return I’ll be sharing with you all my “Year In Review 2012” plus...
Oct 28, 2012 | General Thoughts and Reflections, Personal tales, Vlogging
So, we are preparing for “Super” Storm Sandy here in NJ and because of it I told my camera man to stay home with his family. Luckily, we recorded a video prior to our state of emergency (although this is not a part of my “I Know The Pieces Fit” vlog series). When this...