Feb 7, 2015 | Business and Entrepreneurship, Interviews, South Jersey | Philadelphia region
In celebration of Black History Month, I’m conducting weekly interviews on local Black Entrepreneurs-Making History today! This is my 5th and final year I’m presenting this series as an exclusive interview series. So, I switched up things a bit and expanded into...
Feb 11, 2012 | Business and Entrepreneurship, Interviews, South Jersey | Philadelphia region
As I mentioned in my post Black History Now-2012, I would like to introduce a Gen-Y entrepreneur defining success on her own terms! Meet Naimah Holmes; Local Craft Business Owner! Tell me a little about yourself and what you do? My name is Naimah Holmes, I’m 27,...
May 26, 2011 | Business and Entrepreneurship, Nonprofit, South Jersey | Philadelphia region
If you haven’t noticed, there has been a lot of talk about Entrepreneurship in the news. Why, you ask? Simple answer, unemployment rates are still high so the demand is great for those who can create jobs. Sadly, the many people who have great ideas, services, and/or...
Apr 9, 2011 | Personal tales
Reclaim, Rebuild, Renew, was the theme I chose for myself earlier this year. I chose this theme and wrote out a goal list which I am determined to accomplish. I’ve learned, “Goals are dreams with deadlines.” One of the goals on this list was to start this blog...
Feb 25, 2011 | Business and Entrepreneurship, Interviews, South Jersey | Philadelphia region
As promised in my post Black History Now , I would like to introduce Entrepreneur Diera Shaw! Tell me a little about yourself and what you do? I think of myself as a Jill of Many Trades. I work for Philadelphia Academies in its Business and Community Relations...