Nov 4, 2012 | Personal, Personal tales
Here’s a heads-up, this is one of those “personal” personal development post. One I wrote to pump myself up but figured maybe you could vibe with me on this one since I’m fully aware that we all feel “some type of way” every now and again… I was up late for the past...
Oct 7, 2012 | General Thoughts and Reflections, Personal
Sometimes, we can be our own worst enemies. I am surely no exception, when I set out to accomplish anything and go about it only to find that the results are not quite what I want, it tacks onto a list inside my head. You know the list, the one you’ve written up to...
May 27, 2012 | General Thoughts and Reflections, Personal tales
When I was younger, I watched a movie called LaBamba and of all the things from that movie that stuck with me over the years was if you have a dream of your airplane crashing, your going to crash in real life and die. (Don’t laugh at me) Anyhoo, so of course I had a...
Apr 22, 2012 | Personal, Personal tales
Flickr Credit: Bellafaye If you follow along with my daily tweets you would know that I like to post positive quotes; it’s my small way to encourage a circle of sharing and caring. The truth is, although I post those quotes to encourage and uplift whoever reads them,...
Jan 7, 2012 | Personal, Personal tales
Today is the 7th day of the New Year. One of the first things I wondered was how everyone else was doing with their goal setting so far if all of the planning was completed,(mines sure isn’t). I’ve heard that 7 is the number of completion, and even though it’s only...