Jul 13, 2014 | General Thoughts and Reflections
There are so many things I don’t want that I can’t remember what I want. I couldn’t help but to chuckle at those words. In one line, that pretty summed up the raw emotions I’ve been feeling these past two weeks. More than just a case of the blehs I was in a serious...
Jul 6, 2014 | Business and Entrepreneurship
It’s a lot like falling in love for the first time. It bulldozes you seemingly out of nowhere and all rationality has flown out the door. You try to go through the motions as if nothing has changed; only everything has changed. Your nose is wide open and who you were...
Jun 29, 2014 | Personal tales
This is a recap of the 1st half of the year, so I tend to get long-winded. You have been warned… About the Blog For those of you who are new, (or returning after a hiatus) to the blog put on your seat belt, I’m about to take you for a ride. Asummermoon.com pretty much...
Jun 22, 2014 | Business and Entrepreneurship, Personal, Professional Development
It starts with incoherent thoughts, that later form into wonder and finally questions. There has to be someone who I can fully and truly relate to out there. Someone who “gets” me, someone I can vibe with, someone who already expresses what I’ve been...
Jun 1, 2014 | Mindset, Personal
Change is…well, if you ask me it’s hard. I think we like familiar patterns, even if it means our unhappiness. If that weren’t somewhat true we wouldn’t stay at jobs we hate, we wouldn’t stay in unhealthy relationships, and we wouldn’t suppress our very essence...
May 17, 2014 | Business and Entrepreneurship
Last week, I received a seemingly random call. “Pack your bags.” I knew what time it was. My love and I had discussed on several occasions the idea of a spontaneous trip and said if the opportunity ever arose we’d call the other and say those 3 words. We decided it...
Apr 26, 2014 | Uncategorized
So, I’m taking part of a video recording challenge called #Record52 hosted by the team over at Both Sides of the Camera. Part of the reason is to encourage my clients to get from behind the screen and show their lovely faces, (Especially when they are Speakers,...
Apr 2, 2014 | Personal tales
This is a life in review type post, so it gets long-winded, you have been warned… About the Blog For those of you who are new to Reflections of A Summer Moon here’s what I wrote regarding the mission of this blog: Asummermoon.com is a personal journey blog that...
Mar 22, 2014 | Business and Entrepreneurship
In July of this year, I will have been a business owner for 3 years. And the one thing I can say in my still very young experience is that you never stop learning. I used to read books on leadership and entrepreneurship long before I took my own leap, (more like a...