Say It Out Loud

I’m not sure why, but I had the movie Akeelah and the Bee playing on repeat inside my head over the week. There are so many teaching moments in that movie, I’m almost embarrassed to say that I almost passed it up. There was one particular scene, “You’ll Be A Champion”...

Black History Now-2014

Wow, Can You Believe this is the last Saturday in the month of January?!? Time sure does fly when you’re on a mission to live on purpose with purpose. A part of that mission means sharing with you all some amazing resources and people you may want to get to know. So,...

The Comparison Syndrome: It Will Stunt You!

January is generally the month where people have set, are still setting, or have already broken their New Year resolutions. So we’ve gotten clever about it, and started calling them fancy names in a fit of rebellion against the norm to convince ourselves to make them...

The Big 3! It’s My Blog Anniversary

Guess what?!? It’s my Blogiversary!!!! The 9th of this month made 3 years that I’ve been typing my heart away in this digital realm.  Yes, 3 years! I seriously didn’t think I’d still be here. But the domain and hosting have been paid for the year, so here I stay!...

Holiday Break Time

Well, it’s that time of the year again! It’s the season of giving thanks, celebrations, counting your blessings, spending time with loved ones, and for me… taking a blogcation.  You could say it’s my tradition. Thankfully, I have awesome, understanding blog readers...

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