Jan 11, 2014 | Personal tales
Guess what?!? It’s my Blogiversary!!!! The 9th of this month made 3 years that I’ve been typing my heart away in this digital realm. Yes, 3 years! I seriously didn’t think I’d still be here. But the domain and hosting have been paid for the year, so here I stay!...
Jan 9, 2013 | Personal tales
A new reader found my reflections after I shared a new post update on one of my social networks. She sent me a message on said platform that said something along the lines of although her year wasn’t the best after reading my post she was reminded of her desire to...
Nov 28, 2012 | Uncategorized
Hey you guys and gals! I’ve decided to take a Blogcation for the month of December, and I’ll return in January (more than likely with a new format and direction). When I return I’ll be sharing with you all my “Year In Review 2012” plus...
Jul 8, 2012 | General Thoughts and Reflections
I’ve decided to do some more consistent things here with my blog Reflections Of A Summer Moon. Being that this is a personal blog, I fully embraced the idea of posting whatever I felt, whenever I felt; the only thing I did commit to in my 1st year of blogging was to...
Aug 27, 2011 | Personal tales, Writing
I am a writer. To tell you the truth, it took some serious faith building and encouragement from my awesome blog readers, (Thanks for the emails and direct messages of encouragement you guys!) Not feeling I had the honor to claim the title, I purposely wrote I was...