Sep 11, 2013 | Personal, Personal tales
Above this text you will see my very 1st Vision Board. It took me a few weeks to finish it since I’d attended that vision board workshop back in July. It’s a general board, an overview of what I’d like to see happen in time, or rather, how I’d like to show up to life....
Sep 8, 2013 | Uncategorized
Hi everyone! So, the old posts from July, (and the 1 from August) are back up on the site after that technical hiccup! Thank goodness most of the blog was backed up, which I do manually by exporting files and all that ‘geek talk’ jazz…now my site is...
Aug 28, 2013 | Be The Change, South Jersey | Philadelphia region
This is going to be more of a Link Love post but I think you’ll like what you find… I tend to point out nonprofits and charities when I talk about “Do-Gooders’ and “Go-Givers” but I can’t sit back and not acknowledge the folks that work for profit but do so in order...
Aug 21, 2013 | Be The Change, Nonprofit
So, as I mentioned in the last post, (yeah, had a hiccup with the site so I’ll be working to get those lost blog posts back guys) I would be starting a blog series called “Be The Change” This is my way of spreading the love, as well as (hopefully)...
Aug 11, 2013 | Be The Change, Nonprofit
After giving it some thought, I’ve decided to revive my blog posts centered around nonprofit work, philanthropy, and now, the technological advances that fuel social change and game-changing innovation. The month of August will now feature a new blog series...
Jul 31, 2013 | General Thoughts and Reflections, Personal
I think I know why it’s so dang on hard to: dream, believe in those dreams, and then set a foundation under those dreams so you can see vision, create a mission, and finally, accomplish goals…Life happens! One moment you think you’re going to be a famous actor when...
Jul 12, 2013 | Personal, Vlogging
This month I present you with a simple question: Why are we, (grown adults) still asking for permission to live out our lives? I mean, really who are we trying to convince? Or is it we are so afraid of our own greatest, the greatness that dwells inside all of us, that...
Jul 7, 2013 | General Thoughts and Reflections, Personal tales
It’s the start of a new quarter, so I figured I’d write a previous quarter review type of post. This post is longer than usual and is probably as long-winded as I’ll ever get in blogging. You’ve been warned! About the blog What’s in a name? More and more my resolve...
Jun 23, 2013 | Business and Entrepreneurship, Marketing
Hey everyone! So I’m adding a new category to the blog: Marketing. I may as well; you’ll be surprised by how much marketing is a part of your journey whether you’re a business owner or not. Anyway, the first post under this category will be a review of a marketing...
Jun 20, 2013 | Mindset, Personal
People always bring up two types of fears. There’s this fear of failure, and the fear of success. If you ask me, the fear of success is the fear of failure cosplaying because it usually means you’re afraid you’ll get so much success, so much business, so much...