Jan 4, 2015 | Get Motivated, Personal
There are many goal-setting techniques out there to choose from. I’ve personally read about so many different kinds I got serious information overload. So what I try to do now is create structure around purpose while leaving space to color outside the lines. Here’s...
Oct 29, 2014 | Business and Entrepreneurship, Personal, Vlogging
It’s that word again, Success- that gravy train many of us hopes to ride. And there are many 2 cents and some change about this word. Heck, even I’ve written a couple of blogs around the topic. I’ve asked you How Do You Define Success , what are you willing to do to...
Jun 22, 2014 | Business and Entrepreneurship, Personal, Professional Development
It starts with incoherent thoughts, that later form into wonder and finally questions. There has to be someone who I can fully and truly relate to out there. Someone who “gets” me, someone I can vibe with, someone who already expresses what I’ve been...