Aug 9, 2015 | Be The Change, Business and Entrepreneurship, Interviews, Nonprofit
Be The Change Series Interviews- Featuring: Tim McDonald If the video didn’t show up here’s the direct link: How You Can Help 1) Signup to be a part of the #365DaysOfGiving movement 2) Join the effort to leave No Kid...
Jun 29, 2015 | Personal tales
Picking up where I left off from last week, here is part II of my 6 month review… Again, I center most of my intentions for the year around 6 areas or slices of life: Personal, Social, Spiritual, Physical, Professional, and Financial. I’m covering the remaining 5...
Jun 21, 2015 | Personal tales
A promised, here is a look at the upcoming blog themes for the remainder of the year. June: Awareness, Acceptance and Facing judgment, July: {Blog Hiatus } August: Be The Change interview series, September: A Second wind for the neo Purposepreneur, October: Express...
Apr 12, 2015 | Inspirations and Affirmations, Mindset, Personal
How many times have you found yourself saying, that you’ll try again next time? That you’ll do better starting tomorrow, or next week, next month, next year? Now, how many times have you rinsed and repeated that phrase every single time that next whatever came...