Mar 15, 2015 | General Thoughts and Reflections
Why do we love the story of the underdog? You know, that one really determined person who against all odds surpasses expectations and comes out a winner. What is it about that person that makes us want, so much so, to see them finally “make it.” That is up until they...
Feb 28, 2015 | Business and Entrepreneurship, Interviews, South Jersey | Philadelphia region
In celebration of Black History Month, I’ve been sharing interviews on local Black Entrepreneurs-Making History today! This is my 5th and final year that I’ll be presenting this series as an exclusive interview series. So, I hope you enjoy 🙂 My guests are willing to...
Feb 14, 2015 | Business and Entrepreneurship, Interviews, South Jersey | Philadelphia region
In celebration of Black History Month, I’ve been sharing interviews on local Black Entrepreneurs-Making History today! This is my 5th and final year that I’ll be presenting this series as an exclusive interview series. So, I hope you enjoy 🙂 My guests are willing to...
Feb 7, 2015 | Business and Entrepreneurship, Interviews, South Jersey | Philadelphia region
In celebration of Black History Month, I’m conducting weekly interviews on local Black Entrepreneurs-Making History today! This is my 5th and final year I’m presenting this series as an exclusive interview series. So, I switched up things a bit and expanded into...
Jan 4, 2015 | Get Motivated, Personal
There are many goal-setting techniques out there to choose from. I’ve personally read about so many different kinds I got serious information overload. So what I try to do now is create structure around purpose while leaving space to color outside the lines. Here’s...
Dec 21, 2014 | General Thoughts and Reflections
“He who has a why to live can bear almost any how” – Nietzche I’m going to do this review slightly different than my quarterly reviews. Since I’ve already broken down the happenings of each individual slice in life throughout this year, I wanted to do more of a big...
Nov 8, 2014 | Personal tales
So, I wanted to publish this earlier this week but I caught a terrible “seasonal change” cold and had to prioritize (I chose rest and getting healthy). Now that I’m feeling a little better I decided to take up this challenge presented by my fellow...
Oct 29, 2014 | Business and Entrepreneurship, Personal, Vlogging
It’s that word again, Success- that gravy train many of us hopes to ride. And there are many 2 cents and some change about this word. Heck, even I’ve written a couple of blogs around the topic. I’ve asked you How Do You Define Success , what are you willing to do to...
Oct 5, 2014 | Business and Entrepreneurship, Get Motivated, Mindset
When you set out on a journey to define and refine success on your own terms, you will find yourself at crossroads from time to time. I think one of the most difficult crossroads you’ll come to, is the point where you have to decide if the path you’re on is...